Art for my music
After I got the NAS up and running, I've been copying my CDs to it. Now, I use iTunes to play my music, but intend to buy a Sonos player not too far into the future. And as both iTunes and the Sonos makes nice use of CD covers (or album artwork) I also want to store the covers for my music. (Btw: funny how we like to "see" the music and hang on to old-school CD covers when music has been freed from the physical medium.)
But, as I don't intend to scan all my CD covers, and cannot add album artwork through iTunes because I don't have an iTunes Music Store account, I had to look elsewhere. Another argument against that built-in feature is that iTunes 7 no longer embed album covers into the song files, but keep them in a separate database. Nice if you intend to stick with iTunes--not so nice if you play music with a Sonos player.
So I've been searching for applications that can add album artwork to my music files. After reading web page after web page, these programs made it to the final and was tested in real life: iTunes Art Importer, Mambo, mp3Tag, and TunesSleeve.
And the winner is... (drums rolling...): TunesSleeve! Because: The program is easy to work with and efficient. It embeds album covers into the music files, and let you actually see the various covers it finds before downloading. But the best feature is that you can initiate a Google search for additional covers, and drag the one you prefer onto the album in TunesSleeve! The one single thing I don't like is that you can only select music through playlists--it would be nice to select music by artist(s) or album(s) too... So now that I've made my contribution to the author of TunesSleeve, it is time to present my wishes for future versions...