Wednesday, August 09, 2006

To the sea

Last weekend I visited my mum at her cabin near Fredrikstad. As in May, I went by bike. But opposed to last time, this time I also returned home by bike.

My mum's brother has a cabin next to hers, and together with his family we visited "Søsterøyene" (the sister islands) and chilled off in the nice water. There, I tried my uncle's diving mask and snorkel--my first attempt at using a snorkel since I was a kid and swallowed our whole swimming pool through one. With this dramatically improved underwater vision, I finally managed to take a couple of fair underwater pictures--though at the cost of a salty refill...

At great pleasure for the local seagulls, I also went fishing for mackerel with my cousin and his girlfriend, which turned out very successful to both humans and birds--as long as we don't consider the lives of 31 small mackerels a major loss.

Talking about the sea: Yello has a song titled "To the sea" (featuring screaming seagulls and splashing waves and everything) on their album Pocket Universe. The song comes in a normal and a remixed version, of which I believe the remix is a perfect match for spinning--when the outdoor bicycling season ends.

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