Sunday, March 05, 2006

On the board again, and again, and again...

Since I tried snowboarding for my very first time in Engelberg last year and gave it another in Trysil and then in Tryvann here in Norway this winter, I ended up bying my own snowboard two weeks ago. Since then, I have been taking it for a ride all three weekends (two Sundays and this last Saturday). And except from a few hard falls on a very icy slope in Norefjell the previous weekend, the snowboard is the most joyful investment I have done so far this year (there are plans for a new off-road bicycle...). It also puts me in a somewhat strange position: while others wish for the snow to melt away and spring to begin, I enjoy the snow and the cold weather that keeps it nice and dry. Next weekend I am off to Hemsedal!

To break up the pattern outlined above I visited a cat show with my sister's cat Hercules on display for his very first time today. He won lock, stock and barrel!

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