Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A busy new year?

I don't know if I am busy or lazy, but with respect to blog posting I am a lazy person. In my perspective, too many things have been going on. Fact is that I have been busy trying to keep up with myself--so busy that I cannot even remember everything. It is definitely time to get back to the blog so I don't loose track of myself. "Track" is actually not a bad word in this context, as I have actually been skiing cross-country both at weekdays (even one Friday morning before work!) and in weekends (when I have not been busy swimming or enjoying the urban life in Oslo).

I'll skip all the details and jump straight to the end: Last weekend I escaped the darkened city of Oslo (all the snow melted away in a couple of days), and went to Trysilfjellet ski resort with a bunch of friends and their friends. To keep the story short (and prolong this night's sleep): I got one day in the slopes and managed to balance the snowboard well enough to twist and turn in a fairly controlled manner, and one day of cross-country skiing in the fog (sorry, but no picture from the fog--choose a gray desktop background on your portable and bring it with you in your freezer if you wonder how it really was). In between, I enjoyed after ski at Laaven, followed by soaking in the jacuzzi and steaming in the sauna (picture access restricted to my Flickr friends).

Back in the city, I have started learning more about swimming as I received the book Total Immersion from Amazon. I have also just finished my French course at Berlitz, and am going to sign up for another one at Aftenskolen. I have also started training for the bicycling season, with free access to a gym through the project I am working on. Finally, in order to keep myself from missing early morning meetings too often, I bought me a fancy alarm clock today.

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