Sunday, January 01, 2006

Celebrating Christmas

Running from one family party to another, stuffing myself with traditional (rice pudding, pork ribs, turkey) and less traditional (reindeer) Christmas food, I had great fun playing diverse activites during the days between: ice hockey with Jan, his brother and some of their friends, a nice walk in my home town, swimming with Ragna, skiing with Jan and more of his friends, and sledging in Korketrekkern with Trine Lise, Bente and her Portugese friends on the last day of 2005. I also enjoyed the nice atmosphere of café Teketohpa ("Apoteket", or "the pharmacy" spelled backwards) with Lars and Jan after which I tried the new cake tin I got from Arnljot for Christmas, baking a chocolate cheese cake. Unfortunately, it was too heavy and not particularly good, which is a shame because it took a lot of French chocolate to create it. 2005 came to a close at Line Mai's place on the second last night of 2005, and ended in the hospital home of Anniken on new years eve.

2006 started with a wonderful trip skiing cross-country in the woods of Østmarka, which I used to visit with my family as a kid. Later years, it has rarely been enough snow there for skiing, and re-visiting always brings back nice memories.

Happy new year!

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