The NAS was buggy, but works now
As most gadgets I put my hands on, the NAS I bought before Christmas was too good to be true. First, my computer spent three nights and two days to copy my pictures and music to it over my wireless network (I must optimize that WLAN). Second, believing that everything was all right, I deleted all the music and most of the pictures from my laptop.
But things were far from right--it turned out that a huge number of pictures from 2005 was missing! Luckily, I had decided to keep this and last year's pictures on my laptop and had a backup of all the missing pictures. So I tried copying them once more (using wired LAN this time...), but again pictures didn't get copied.
I turned to Google and found that others had similar problems and that the solution was to update the firmware and reformat the disks. So I had the firmware updated and tried to reformat the disks. But formatting stopped, and I had to visit Ole Kristian (my sister's fiancée) to put the disks into a desktop PC and delete the partitions as described. After that, formatting was a dream, and the NAS is now up and running again. I haven't checked for lost pictures yet, but will do once they are (supposed to be) all copied.
During the process I learned that updating the firmware of the D-Link DNS-323 involves reformatting the disks every time! I hope I won't have to do that often...
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