Saturday, September 16, 2006

Eased by Uro

I just saw the Norwegian movie Uro ("unease" in English). It portrays the turbulent life of an undercover police inspector, following a lead that takes him out on deep water and involves both his mother and a girl from college in a drug investigation not authorised by his superiors.

Magnificent performance by all scriptwriter, actors and director come to life in a movie that got my full attention, and I left the movie theatre as if my brain was put in the washer and spinned gently--totally blank yet with a minor fuss. It even made me get off the metro a couple of stops early so that I could wander home at slow pace.

Without doubt one of the best movies I've ever seen. Not all accidental that it was rewarded "un certain regard" at this year's film festival in Cannes, I guess...

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