I don't like MSN Live Messenger
Today I gave MSN Live Messenger (i.e. version 8 of MSN Messenger) a try. I downloaded and installed it, and started configuring it to suit my simple needs: a list of contacts on MSN, preferrably transparent, without commercial ads.
But then I started thinking... Where does the chat history go? How do I get rid of the annoying window that pops up in my face? Why can't I configure the window to be transparent? (Microsoft, the creator of MSN Live Messenger, introduced the transparency feature in Windows 2000, yet I haven't seen them use it a single time, while others like Trillian, Miranda and Picasa all do. For free...)
After a few minutes of annoyance, only compensated by the potential of seeing the fancy smileys that people send me from time to time and the certainty that others will see my avatar picture properly, I closed MSN Live Messenger and fired up Miranda again. Back to basic.
Annoyance grew out of proportions when Stefanie made me try chatting on MSN Live Messenger; compared to the simple setup I use in Miranda, the chat window looked like the most messy place on earth--or my display, at least. And all the fancy smileys only added to the mess. I think I can manage without...