Friday, March 31, 2006

Swimming to Sicily?

The "Swim to Sicily" campaign closed today, and with this mornings entry of another thousand metres I totalled at 31,000 metres. With 10,000 metres sufficient to be included in the drawing, it now remains to see if I will be the lucky winner.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Flying around

After a weekend on the snowboard in Hemsedal (Norway), I spent the last two weekends in Strasbourg (France) and Alta (Norway). To begin with the end, visiting northern Norway was amazing! Although the weather started off poorly on Thursday, it improved day by day and ended in brilliant sunshine on Sunday! But the weather didn't stop us from taking trips on the two snow scooters we had, and I got to experience real white-out (when you see nothing but white wherever you look), as well as taking a bath in the sauna and chilling out in the snow. I also experienced a different kind of picnic. In France (and some other places as well), you bring a baguette, a bottle of wine and maybe some salad, put out a blanket and sit down in the park. Up north, you bring some meat, a kettle and some grained coffe, and put up an open fire on the snow, on which you heat the meat and prepare the coffee. However different, both variants of a picnic are nice ways of spending time with your friends.

In Strasbourg, I didn't go on a picnic. And now you may call me a liar, 'cause actually, I did. But the thing is, I had a major hangover on Sunday, and although I had a great time lunching in the fountain next to Palais de Rohan, eating was kind of difficult... Yes, there was a party the night before. Actually, it was the reverse of the house-warming party I went to when I was in Strasbourg in December, combined with a couple of birthday celebrations. Backtracking even further, we spent Saturday hiking in the Vosges mountains. And Friday night was spent celebrating St. Patrick's Day with Canadian girl Trishia and her partner.

For a change, I'll be spending the next week-end at home. Except from a one-day trip to Trysil for snowboarding on Sunday...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

On the board again, and again, and again...

Since I tried snowboarding for my very first time in Engelberg last year and gave it another in Trysil and then in Tryvann here in Norway this winter, I ended up bying my own snowboard two weeks ago. Since then, I have been taking it for a ride all three weekends (two Sundays and this last Saturday). And except from a few hard falls on a very icy slope in Norefjell the previous weekend, the snowboard is the most joyful investment I have done so far this year (there are plans for a new off-road bicycle...). It also puts me in a somewhat strange position: while others wish for the snow to melt away and spring to begin, I enjoy the snow and the cold weather that keeps it nice and dry. Next weekend I am off to Hemsedal!

To break up the pattern outlined above I visited a cat show with my sister's cat Hercules on display for his very first time today. He won lock, stock and barrel!