Friday, November 25, 2005

Where the f... did my eggs go?

I am certain I bought a pack of eggs yesterday or the day before, but now I can't find them and I need them for baking a cake for tomorrow! Of course, this can wait until tomorrow, but nevertheless... Maybe it is just another symptom for the stress I experience these days. Where it comes from is hard to say, but it feels like I cannot get enough things done and at the same time I am not doing anything. Where do all my time go? Sure, I go to work every day, and I attend French lessons two evenings a week and try to study French between those lesson. But this shouldn't occupy more than just a small amount of the total sixteen hours I have each day and doesn't explain why my apartment looks like a constant mess. It feels almost like the last couple of days in Strasbourg when I was awake for two days and nights in a row, slept for three hours and worked on the following day. I feel like a becoming zombie.

I'll try to leave the zombie behind in the swimming pool tomorrow morning.

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