Thursday, November 10, 2005

...I attended my first French class in Oslo.

It wasn't really a class though, but an individual lecture at Berlitz with one teacher and me as the only student. As such, it was highly efficient. It helped a lot that I already know some French, and I expect progress to slow down. Nevertheless, I believe this to be a good way of improving my rather poor French, at least so that I can hold a simple conversation—hopefully already when I visit Strasbourg early in December.

Talking about travelling, yesterday I picked up the ticket for my trip to St. Petersburg next week-end. Now I only need to get the Visa, and I'll be ready to visit Mari and see the city that Lonely Planet terms "one of the most beautiful cities on earth."

Oh, before I press the "post" button: Yesterday, I formally agreed on the terms for my transfer to the consulting part of Accenture and thus reached the main goal of studying for a master's degree. I now await the results of my thesis examination.

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