Monday, May 07, 2007

Photo upgrade

It's been quite a while since my last post now. There are several reasons for this, but the major one is that I've been occupied playing around with my new digital camera: about three weeks ago (or was it two?), a Nikon D200 entered my life and I've been busy showing it various places in Oslo. It's been nice getting to know the solid little fellow, and although there is something wrong with one if it's eyes (the 28mm) the other one works perfectly fine (the 50mm). I've just uploaded a few good glimpses on Flickr.

In line with the sturdy D200, Karl-Inge convinced me to buy Adobe Lightroom for managing my pictures. Although I've had some mixed feelings about getting attached to a professional memory hog from Adobe, it certainly has its advantages over Picasa. (I know, Picasa is free and shouldn't be compared with Lightroom, but I cheat and do it anyway.) To me, the most obvious advantage is the extremely powerful function for tagging pictures with keywords--I learn new things all the time, and today I just learned that Flickr imports the tags I create in Lightroom! Combined with an export function that generates filenames based on picture title and automatically starts Flickr Uploadr, uploading pictures to Flickr now is a breeze! So, look out for more pictures...

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