Saturday, December 03, 2005

Madrugada in Oslo Spektrum

What I thought was going to be a somewhat dull concert turned out to be really good! My anticipation is the result of previous concerts in Oslo Spektrum--the acoustics has never proven more than modestly okay there. But the producers of last nights concert corrected that bad image; the sound was really good! Maybe because it was filmed for a DVD...

The band played very well, but for some reason the mood among the audience, myself included, did not tak off into the skies. At least compared with other concerts I've been too at Rockefeller Music Hall. One thing struck me though: while Madrugada did not put up a great show, I would like to see an entertainer like Robbie Williams (or equally good) on stage. So please don't hesitate to tell me if he or some other great artist is on stage near you!

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