Saturday, August 16, 2008

The end

To be discontinued.

This is what I did last summer:

Stay updated on flickr:

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My bike is back... my living room, and I am back on the road riding it.

Summer is coming! :-)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Video, or looong pictures, on Flickr!

Flickr now accepts video, and you might wonder "why--we already have YouTube and MySpace" (and many others). From what I understand, videos on Flickr are aimed towards "pictures with duration", or pre-rendered slide shows if you like. However, I don't know whether Flickr will moderate uploaded video content, and it will be exiting to see how the video feature really works. The best way to find out will probably be to upload one, and I have an idea on what to upload... Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Moonlit Easter

This year, I spent Easter with Trine, Bente, Arnljot, Daniel, and Tor at my fathers cabin in Valdres. Although we had a day and a half with snowfall, we found time for cross country skiing in wonderful sunshine, digging and building a fortress (mostly the work of Arnljot), jumping from the roof as well as skijumping. And photographying the moon, which shone brightly every night but one!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My phone wants to be lost

For the past few days, my mobile phone has become independent and stayed behind after I've visited friends. Or, seen in a different perspective, my disliking the Nokia E-65 is becoming unconsciously explicit as I forget to bring the phone with me when I leave.

Mental note to self: Never mind.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Online slideshows with PicLens in Firefox

A colleague just introduced me to the Firefox extension PicLens by Cooliris. The extension let you browse and display online pictures in a neat interface, including integrated search with online pictures like flickr as well as a nice slideshow feature. So, if you don't have it, install it--if you don't have Firefox, install that too...

And enjoy!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Desserts, snowboarding, skiing, and bicycling

2008 started with a decision to cook all 35 chocolate desserts in a leaflet I have by the end of the year--in other words, one dessert in every week and a half. I am currently slightly behind schedule, but picking up speed in order to celebrate my birthday with one of my favourites, namely fundue au chocolat. As part of this project, I upload pictures of every dessert on flickr. Click the leaflet to have a look.

Travelwise, I am keeping an environmental-friendly profile with no flights so far this year, and have traveled in filled up cars and buses on my two trips snowboarding in Hemsedal. Within the city and surrounding areas, I go by metro, bus or train--also for cross country skiing. And since last Sunday, bicycling adds to my current means of transportation, though mostly for excercise until the temperature rise to more relaxing levels.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A new year of training

Once my fractured rib healed in mid-January, I resumed training and participated in a swim gathering for triathletes last weekend here in Oslo. Facilitated by two (or three?) times Swedish champion in triathlon Ted Ås, Swedish ex-elite swimmer Torbjørn and finally Swedish swimming coach Henning Degermann, who has coached Sweden's Olympic swimmers, quality was highly professional. Additionally, with all coaches from Sweden, quite a few Swedes participated as well. So, in total 18 amateurs swam back and forth for no less than nine hours in less than two days! It's only now, one week later, that my left arm is starting to feel normal again. But however exhausting, the gathering was a big success--I don't immediately swim a lot faster, but now I know a few things I should work on. So when summer comes, I'll hopefully be fit to participate in a triathlon or two...

Sorry, but no pictures this time either. I do have a video of myself crawling, but don't see any reason to publish that... Admit that a decent picture of me with swimming, water splashing around, would be cool though.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Why do Microsoft move buttons to the right?

I just installed Internet Explorer 7. It looks nice, but what on earth did Microsoft think when they moved some of the toolbar buttons to the right? Did they completely miss out on the idea that people stack windows, rendering the buttons invisible when a window partially overlap?

I can understand that not everyone reads from left to right, and therefore would like buttons to display to the right rather than left. But why distribute them all over the place?

I just don't get it...