Unsolicited mail
If you have an e-mail account, you've probably received one or two (million) e-mails with offers to buy viagra, cheap software or invest in a business so good that you would have kept it secret if you had invented it yourself. In other words: Spam. Until I opened the anonymous envelope I received yesterday, spam has been an electronic phenomenon to me.
The envelope contained a letter telling the story of some rich farmers somewhere in Africa. As the local government, or was it the mob--I can't remember, had taken over (and/or burned down) their farm, the unfortunate farmers had to leave as refugees. Thus, they flew to South Africa, seeking asylumn with some 20 million dollars in cash as hand luggage. However, as refugees they cannot deposit money into bank accounts. Therefore, they offer me 20% if I can help "transferring" their cash into their bank account.
I didn't have to read the letter to understand that it was a physical breed of spam. Neither do I have to convince myself to refuse the offer of 20% revenue. Actually, I'm facing a totally different dilemma: Should I file a complain to the postal service who didn't filter out this unsolicied mail? After all, I do subscribe to the "no ads in my mail"-service! Or, should I file it to the Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic Crime?