Saturday, May 27, 2006

My ribbon "de bonheur" fell off

This morning, my lime green brasilian ribbon of luck, or "bonheur" as it said when the text was still readable, had loosened from my wrist and stayed in bed as I got up. According to Wikipedia, this means that I am gonna get the last two of three wishes fulfilled, as the last two knots that held it in place loosened sometime last night. But the wiki doesn't say anything about when those wishes will come true, and neither does seanesse in her blog post. The only problem is that I don't remember what I wished for back in September 2005 when Pascal tied it on...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lots of action

It's been quite a while since I posted here. And to Flickr. So I'll try to put things straight now. First, I've uploaded some pictures from Beitostølen. Then, me and my brother visited a cat exhibition with Hercules in Spydeberg. He (Hercules the cat) didn't win this time, but is nevertheless still my favourite cat. Finally, the Norwegian national day passed by with a splash on Wednesday May 17, but still the streets were filled with nicely dressed people. If any of my friends abroad ever decide to visit Oslo, the childrens parade on May 17 is definitely worth seeing!

Apart from these photographed events (my digital camera is starting to fail seriously and I might have to buy a new camera), poor(ing) weather has dominated the last couple of weeks and seriously reduced my bicycle training before the trip to Strasbourg. So today I made an effort to exercise for real, and met up for an introductory trip with Frøy bicycling association. The result was almost 90 kms on the seat, and two stiff legs. But it feels right, and now I have to continue putting kilometres on my wheels; I'll start this weekend with a two-day trip to our cottage near Fredrikstad, some 90 kilometres each way.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Sounds in my head

Kind of annoying, yet at the same time very nice, Tony the Beat by The Sounds has been playing in my head since I got out of bed this morning.

The reason may be that I was at Beitostølen this weekend, taking my snowboard and cross-country skiis for a final trip. What this has to do with The Sounds? Well, before going, I created an audio CD with both their albums for playing in the car (Beitostølen is a three to four hour drive from Oslo). In addition, yesterday was a looong day at work and when I finally got home and discovered that I had to clean the stairway in the building where I live, I HAD to play some noisy music to set (or blow?) my mind straight.

That's probably how Tony the Beat got into my head, and doesn't seem to wanna leave anytime soon. Which is perfectly fine with me! :-)